• Sign in to your account

Trouble logging in?

If this is your first visit

This website is provided by Andy Waring & Viviane Bernhard and is exclusively for the use of members of SoaringTeam. You must be in the SoaringTeam downline to get access to the private areas - if you are not sure whether you are a member ask your sponsor or upline manager.

If you are having difficulty logging on here are some of the most common reasons

"My password doesn't work!"

"I can't log on"

"I've forgotten my password"

To log on to our website you need your 12 digit Forever ID and a password.

If this is the first time you have tried to log on you need to use a special password that you will be given by your sponsor or upline manager.

You may have been sent a password for ForeverLiving.com by Forever head office which will not work on this site as SoaringTeam.com and ForeverLiving.com are two separate sites.

If you have not been given a password for this site yet, ask your sponsor or upline manager for one. They are the only people who can give you a password - please do not email the webmaster for one as he is not authorized to give them out.

Once you have gained access for the first time you will be given the opportunity to choose your own, personal, password for future use.

"I have been given a password by my sponsor but it doesn't work"

Check that your Caps Lock switch is off on your keyboard. Passwords are case sensitive so our server sees "password" & "Password" as different words.

Also, make sure you are entering your correct 12 digit ID. The first three digits of your ID are an international country code (440 in the UK) and the following 9 digits will be on your Distributor Application form. USA ID numbers appear to have 10 digits but in fact have two leading zeros (country code is 001)

Finally, make sure you are using zero in the ID number and not the letter"O"

"I've logged on before but I've forgotten my password"

If you have forgotten your password we will send it to you at the email address we have on record that matches your ID.

Please tell us your 12 digit Forever ID number and the email address you have registered with us and we'll do our best to send you your password

Please tell us your 12 digit Forever ID number and the email address you have registered with us and we'll do our best to send you your password